

Solution of scheduling problem with power flow constraint and unit climbing speed
摘要 采用原对偶内点算法对动态安全经济调度问题进行求解。IEEE30节点算例测试,对有无支路潮流约束进行了比较分析,表明本文模型的有效性和内点算法的灵活性。 The dynamic safety economy scheduling problem was solved by primal-dual interior point algorithm. With IEEE30 nodes example, this paper compared and analyzed power flow constraint with or not branch, which showed the effectiveness of the model and the flexibility of interior point method.
作者 邓永敏
机构地区 河源供电局
出处 《贵州电力技术》 2014年第2期22-26,共5页 Guizhou Electric Power Technology
关键词 动态安全经济调度 机组爬坡 线路功率约束 原对偶内点法 dynamic safety economy scheduling unit climbing line power constraint primal-dual interior point algorithm
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