
展毛野牡丹种子特性及花粉活力的初步研究 被引量:4

Preliminary Study on Seed Features and Pollen Viability of Melastoma normale D.Don
摘要 对展毛野牡丹的种子特性和花粉活力进行了初步研究,结果表明:展毛野牡丹的种子细小、数量多,千粒重约0.053 g,每果种子数3 000粒左右;种子为不规则三角形,有深浅2种颜色,浅色与深色种子数量比约为1∶1.45。展毛野牡丹种子的适宜萌发温度为25℃,发芽率可达64.73%;能萌发的是浅色种子,深色种子基本不萌发;光对其种子萌发有促进作用。在展毛野牡丹的异型雄蕊中,具有紫色花药的较长雄蕊的花粉活力要高于具有黄色花药的较短雄蕊。 Seed features and pollen viability of Melastoma normale D. Don were studied. Results showed that the volume and number of the seeds of Melastoma normale were tiny and numerous. The 1000-grain weight of seeds was about 0.053g and every fruit had almost 3000 tiny seeds on average. The seeds had irregular triangular shape with either light color or dark color in the same fruit. The ratio of seeds in light color to the seeds in dark color was 1∶1.45. The optimum temperature for seed germination was 25℃with about 64.73%rate of seed germination. The germinated seeds were the seeds in light color other than the seeds in dark color. Light was essential for the seed germination. There was an atypia of stamen of Melastoma normale. The anther of the longer stamen was purple while the anther of the shorter stamen was yellow. The viability of pollens from the purple anther was much higher than that of pollens from the yellow anther.
出处 《热带农业科学》 2014年第1期9-12,共4页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
基金 海南省自然科学基金项目(No.310098)
关键词 展毛野牡丹 种子特征 萌发 花粉活力 Melastoma normale D.Don seed features germination pollen viability
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