
基于奶牛饲料氮和磷摄入量的粪尿氮和磷排出量估算 被引量:4

Estimation of Excretion of Nitrogen and Phosphorus With Manure From Dairy Cow Based on Ingestion of N and P With Feeds
摘要 通过监测规模化奶牛场夏、冬两季奶牛氮、磷摄入量与排出量,分析两者之间的相关性,建立估算模型,以估算夏、冬两季奶牛场氮、磷排放量。结果表明,冬、夏两季每头成年奶牛每日粪、尿平均排出量分别为31.14和13.90 kg。泌乳牛夏、冬两季通过粪、尿排出的氮、磷总量分别为270.71和66.67 g·d-1,比干乳牛分别高16.4%和19.2%,比育成牛分别高150.7%和174.0%。不同生理阶段奶牛每日通过饲料摄入的氮、磷总量差异显著(P<0.05),从高到低依次为泌乳牛、干乳牛和育成牛。每日通过粪、尿排出的氮、磷总量差异也达显著水平(P<0.05),而且奶牛通过粪、尿排出的氮、磷占氮、磷摄入量的50%以上;夏、冬两季奶牛粪、尿、奶中氮、磷排出量与通过饲料摄入的氮、磷含量呈显著正相关关系,可利用拟合的回归方程建立基于奶牛饲料氮、磷摄入量的粪、尿中氮、磷排出量的估算模型,该模型可为奶牛场粪便管理及污染防治等工作提供参考。 Through monitoring of ingestion and excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus by dairy cows of an on-scale dairy farm in summer and winter, analysis was done of relationship between the ingestion and excretion and a model was estab- lished for estimation of discharge of N and P from the farm in summer and winter. Results show that in water and summer, averagely, an adult dairy cow excretes 31.14 and 13.90 kg· d-1 of feces per day, respectively, and a lactating cow ex- cretes 270.71 g·d-1 N and 66. 67 g·d-l P with feces and urine, 16. 4% and 19. 2% more than a dry cow does, and 150. 7% and 174.0% more than a heifer does, respectively. Daily ingestion of nitrogen and phosphorus with fodder of a dairy cow varies sharply from cow to cow different in physiological stage (P〈0. 05 ), displaying an order of lactating cow 〉 drying cow 〉 heifer. Daily excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus with feces and urine from a cow also varies sharply from cow to cow different in physiological stage (P〈0.05). The cows excrete with feces and urine more than 50% of the nitro- gen and phosphorus ingested. Positive relationship was found of N and P ingestions with fodder and N and P excretions with feces, urine and milk in summer and winter. A model can hence be built up by fitting with a regression equation for estimation of N and P excretions with feces and urine based on N and P ingestions with fodder. The model may provide ref- erences for feces management and pollution prevention in dairy farms.
出处 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期101-106,共6页 Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAD15B00) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07101-004)
关键词 摄入量 排出量 奶牛 估算模型 nitrogen phosphorus ingested amount excreted amount dairy cow estimation model
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