

Application of the Adaptive Fusion Filtering in GNSS Integrated Positioning Based on Variance Component Estimation
摘要 针对如何GNSS动态定位中合理定权与合理使用动力学模型信息的问题,文中采用了基于方差分量估计的自适应融合滤波算法。通过对实测的GPS/GLONASS数据进行实验,结果表明:该方法的定位精度要明显优于基于赫尔默特方差分量估计的组合定位和基于卡尔曼滤波的组合定位结果。 In the paper,the author uses the method of variance component estimation and adaptive fusion filtering to resolve the problem of determining the weight and using the dynamic model reasonably in the GNSS dynamic positioning.The results show that the positioning accuracy of this method is better than the method which set the weight by variance component estimation and the method of using the Kalman filter by the measured GPS/GLONASS data.
出处 《矿山测量》 2014年第1期8-11,6,共4页 Mine Surveying
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