对深圳南山区的8个街道农贸市场、批发市场及少数市场周围地摊上销售的蔬菜农药残留污染状况进行调查,抽样检测了包括叶菜类、瓜果类、豆类、花菜类四大类蔬菜共12 336份样品。结果表明:深圳南山区蔬菜的农残安全状况总体较好,各街道市售蔬菜的农残合格率达99.48%,叶菜类较其他种类蔬菜的农药残留合格率低,不同市场的蔬菜农药残留状况差异较大,正规市场的安全状况较好,市场外地摊蔬菜的农残超标率较高,达22.92%,是市场蔬菜的44倍。为保证蔬菜食用安全,市民应尽量到超市或农贸市场购买蔬菜。蔬菜经过冲洗、浸泡和漂烫处理均能显著降低蔬菜农药残留含量,考虑到经济和营养等因素,以冲洗10 min、浸泡30 min、漂烫1 min左右为宜。
Pesticide residues pollution of vegetables were investigated, which were sold on markets and stall around parts of the markets in 8 streets of Nanshan District in Shenzhen City, about 12336 samples including leaf vegetables, fruits, legumes, cauliflower, four kinds of vegeta-bles were tested. Test results showed that the overall security situation of pesticide vegetables from commercially available was better and pesti-cide pass rate was 99.48% in Nanshan District of Shenzhen City. Pass rate of pesticide residues in leafy vegetables are lower than other types of vegetables. Pesticide residues situation in vegetables marketed formal is better, contrary to the external market vegetable stall, which pesticide residues exceed the rate as high as 22.92%, and is 44 times than market vegetables. In order to ensure the safety of vegetable, people should try to buy vegetables at the supermarket or farmer's market. After washing, soaking and blanching, pesticide residues in vegetables can be signifi-cantly reduced. Taking into account the factors such as economy and nutrition, vegetable rinsed for 10 minutes, soaked for 30 minutes, blanched about 1 minute was appropriate.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Pesticide residues
Nanshan District of Shenzhen
Stall vegetables