红河州优越的自然条件有利于柚木生长。适宜柚木发展的土地面积约4万hm2,目前仅种植4 200 hm2,发展潜力巨大。文中介绍国内外柚木引种情况以及红河州柚木引种栽培及相关研究概况,从生长水平、形态变异等方面评价红河州柚木引种栽培效果。进一步分析柚木原产地条件,依据柚木的生态特性及红河州的自然特点,将柚木引种栽培区划分为柚木最适引种区以及由抗旱、耐酸和抗寒3个育种栽培区组成的引种试验区。对红河州柚木发展前景进行展望,提出有针对性地引进、选择、改良适合红河州生长的柚木优良种源,以推动柚木的科学和规模化发展。
Favorable natural conditions of Honghe Prefecture are conducive to the growth of Tectona gran-dis.There are 40, 000 hm2 suitable lands for planting Tectona grandis, but currently only 4 200 hm2 land are planted , which showed great development potential.The introduction and cultivation of Tectona grandis at home and abroad as well as in the Honghe Prefecture are summarized and the effect of the in -troduction and cultivation of Tectona grandis are also evaluated in Honghe Prefecture from aspects of the growth levels and morphological variation.According to the further analysis of characteristics of Tectona grandis and natural features of Honghe , the introduction zone is distributed into optimal area and test area of drought-resistant , acid and cold resisting cultivation area.Prospects of Tectona grandis development in Honghe Prefecture have been forecast.Suggestions to select improved variety of superior provenances which suitable for Tropical and South sub-tropical land for promoting scientific and scale development of Tectona grandis have also been put forward.
Forest Inventory and Planning
Tectona grandis
introduction and cultivation
cultivation effect
planting division
Honghe Prefecture