针对目前中国区域旅游开发所面临的旅游产品结构性过剩、产品开发由 80年代的“低投入高产出”向“高投入高风险高产出”的特征变化 ,作者提出了区域旅游开发中应该从资源(Resource)、市场 (Market)和产品 (Product)三个方面进行程序式评价论证 ,即所谓的昂谱(RMP)分析模式 ,为区域旅游规划提供基本思路。这一模式在 1
This paper develops a new framework of RMP for regional tourism development and planning. The model RMP framework consists of three key elements for regional tourism planning, which are Resource, Market, and Product, strongly emphasize that a tourism planner should have a comprehensive understanding these three determinants. The framework suggests that planners should research the resource basis of the region at first, then examine the characteristic of the market, and construct attractions, facilities and service for product spectrum building at last. The framework has been developed as an adaptation to current situation of China's tourism industry and has been implicated in the process of regional tourism planning in Luoyang city, one of the most famous Chinese ancient capital cities.
Geographical Research
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