
性别观念、现代化与女性的家务劳动时间 被引量:101

Gender Ideology,Modernization,and Women's Housework Time in China
摘要 通过分析2010年中国家庭追踪调查数据,本文考察了中国城乡已婚女性家务劳动时间的影响因素。研究发现,已婚女性的工作时间与绝对收入的增加可以显著地帮助她们减少家务劳动时间。此外,本文检验了女性的相对收入对家务劳动时间的影响在城乡与地区间的差异。结果表明,城镇地区女性相对收入的增加可以帮助她们持续地减少家务劳动,而农村地区的女性受到传统性别观念的影响,无法持续地利用相对收入的增加来减少其家务劳动。通过将调查数据与市级统计数据匹配,本文进一步发现,在农村地区,现代化水平的不同会造成女性相对收入对家务劳动影响的地区差异。在现代化程度较高的地区,女性相对收入对家务劳动的议价能力较强,而在现代化程度较低的地区,这种议价能力更容易受到限制。 Using the data from 2010 China Family Panel Studies, this study examined the determinants of married women's housework time in China. Their time spent on paid work and their absolute earnings were found to be negatively associated with their time spent on domestic chores. This study also specifically examined the impact of women's relative income on their time for housework. The literature in this regard indicated that, when women outearned their husbands, they tended not to reduce their housework time as their relative earnings increased, a phenomenon known as "gender display. " In other words, the wife's bargaining power for housework with her relative income was constrained by the gender ideology. This study found that there were urban-rural and regional differences in the effect of the wife's relative income on her housework time. The results indicated that increased relative income could help urban married women continuously reduce their housework time. However, for rural married women, the effect of relative income on reducing housework time is limited by their transitional gender ideology, and the "gender display" phenomenon existed. Linking the survey data to the prefecture-level indicator of modernization, this study found that, in the rural areas, the effect of relative income on housework time varied with the level of modernization. Specially, the bargaining power of wife's relative income in housework time was stronger when the rural areas were more modernized. In contrast, the bargaining power was more limited in rural areas with lower modernization level, and"gender display" was more likely to exist.
作者 於嘉
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期166-192,共27页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
关键词 家务劳动 影响因素 性别观念 现代化 housework, determinants, gender ideology, modernization
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