试验用 1 92头 5周龄断奶的约克夏仔猪进行30天饲养试验 ,研究饲粮中添加四种拜耳风味剂———甜味素(Megasweet)、富可香 (Frucovarom)、乳馨香 (Startarom )和可可香 (Kovarom)对仔猪生产性能的影响。试验共 1 2个处理 ,其中 ,处理 1~ 9为L9(3) 4正交设计 ,研究甜味素、富可香和乳馨香三个产品的适宜用量及最佳组合 :处理 1 0添加可可香 ,处理 1 1不含风味剂 ,处理 1 2添加某进口风味剂。结果表明 ,四种拜耳风味剂均可提高仔猪采食量 ,提高增重速度。其中 ,乳馨香的效果最好 ;甜味素、富可香和乳馨香三个产品的适宜用量均为 30 0g/t;当乳馨香与富可香或甜味素合用时 。
young yor1shire pigs weaned at 5 weeks were used for 30days period to study the effects of 4 kinds Bayer flavors(Megasweet、Frucovarom、Startarom and Kovarom) on the performance of pigs.The pigs were randomly allotted to pens(4 pigs/pen,4 pens/treatment)within blocks based on weight and sex.The experiment included 12 treatments included a L 9 (3) 4 right cross design to investigate the effects of Megasweet、Frucovarom and Startarom and the optimal individual level and combinative level.The 3 another treatments included a positive control(without flavor)、a negative control(with a imported flavor) and a treatment with addition of Kovarom.The results showed that all the 4 kinds Bayer flavors could increase the food intake and daily body gain among which the best was Startarom.The optimal level of Megasweet、Frucovarom and Startarom is 300 g/t.The level of Megasweet and Frucovarom had no significant effects on the performance of pigs when both were combined with Startarom.
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences