
微波凝固与CO_2激光治疗慢性宫颈炎的对比观察 被引量:2

Comparison Between Microwave Coagulation and CO_2 Laser in Treating Chronic Cervicitis
摘要 目的比较微波与激光治疗慢性宫颈炎的疗效。方法慢性宫颈炎妇女462例,随机分为微波组235例和激光组227例,分别采用微波组织凝固和CO2激光汽化两种物理方法进行治疗。结果两种疗法治疗单纯型宫颈糜烂痊愈率差异无显著意义(P﹥0.05);颗粒型和乳突型糜烂痊愈率微波组分别为96.2%和94.6%,激光组分别80.8%和77.7%,两组治疗结果比较,差异有非常显著意义(P<0.001)。术中出血的发生率,微波组2.98%(7/235)明显低于激光组22.47%(51/227),差异有非常显著意义(P<0.001)。两组不良反应包括,术后脱痂期出血、术中腹痛、术后阴道排液,两组差异无显著意义。结论微波组织凝固技术治疗颗粒型和乳突型宫颈糜烂一次冶愈率较CO2激光高,术中止血效果较CO2激光好,有临床实用价值。 Objective To compare the curative effect of microwave and laser treatment on chronic cervicitis. Methods Altogether 462 women patients of chronic cervicitis were divided randomly into two groups: the microwave group(235 patients) given microwave tissue coagulation,and the laser group(227 patients) receiving CO2 laser vaporization. Results For simplex cervical erosion,the difference between two physical therapies was not significant(P﹥0.05) in cure rate.However,while the cure rates of the microwave group for particle type and mastoid type cervical erosion being 96.2% and 94.6%,those of the laser group were 80.8% and 77.7% respectively,indicating a significant difference(P0.001).The incidence of intraoperative bleeding of the microwave group was 2.98%(7/235),much lower than that of the laser group,22.47%(51/227).The difference was statistically significant(P0.001).Adverse reactions including postoperative scab-off period bleeding,intraoperative abdominal pain and postoperative vaginal drainage were observed in both of the two groups,which were not of statistical significance. Conclusions Compared with CO2 laser therapy,microwave tissue coagulation treatment has a better performance both in one-time cure rate of particle and mastoid cervical erosion and prevention of intraoperative bleeding.It is of practical value for clinical purposes.
出处 《中国激光医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第4期203-207,共5页 Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery
关键词 激光 微波 子宫颈炎 Laser Microwave Cervicitis
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