
“负责任创新”的理论与实践述评 被引量:49

Review on Theory and Practice of “Responsible Innovation”
摘要 "负责任创新"是继"可持续发展"之后欧美国家提出的新的发展理念,其主要内容是将企业的社会责任同技术创新实践密切结合,从伦理角度有效评估和影响技术创新的各个环节,以保证技术创新成果的可持续性和社会可接受性。通过评述"负责任创新"理念提出的时代背景和内涵,阐述其理论框架和方法,分析具有代表性的案例,可以展示"负责任创新"的理论价值和现实意义,对我国的技术创新活动有重要启示。 Responsible innovation is a new developmental idea raised by Europeans and Americans after the idea of sustainable development. Its main content is to combine closely the social responsibilities of enterprises with the practices of technological innovation, effectively evaluate and influence all links of technological innovation in the perspective of ethics, and ensure the sustainability and social acceptability of the achievements of technological in- novation. The paper reviews the historical background and the meanings of responsible innovation, elaborates its the- oretical framework and approach, analyzes the representative cases and demonstrates its theoretical and practical sig- nificance ,which has great inspiration on the technological innovation activities in China.
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期84-90,共7页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
关键词 “负责任创新” “四维度”模型 案例分析 responsible innovation four dimensions framework case studies
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