
全国火电厂烟气连续监测系统运行状况调研及分析 被引量:29

Investigation and analysis on continuous emissions monitoring systems in thermal power plants all over China
摘要 通过对全国火电厂烟气连续监测系统运行状况的实地调查和函调 ,发现全国已有 40个火电厂安装了 5 1套烟气连续监测系统 ,另有近 30个火电厂已购买或正准备购买。5 1套中全套引进的有 45套 ,其余 6套有国内单位参与配套 ,共涉及中外厂家 2 2个 ;安装在烟囱上的有 1 7套 ,占 33.3% ;系统能够运行或大部分仪器设备在运行的有 2 3套 ,占45 .1 % ,但运行结果基本上均未得到环保部门认可 ,处于无效运行状态 ;绝大部分烟气连续监测系统处于停运状态 ,甚至从未投运过。文章分析了烟气连续监测系统运行状况不佳的原因 ,并提出改进建议。 There have been 51 continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) installed in 40 thermal power plants in whole China based on in situ and correspondence investigation In addition, nearly 30 thermal power plants have bought or are going to order CEMS In installed 51 CEMS, 45 CEMS are imported completely, other 6 CEMS are cooperated by local units Foreign and local 22 manufacturing factories are involved 17 of 51 CEMS are installed on chimney, accounting 33 3% 23 of 51 CEMS can operate or most of components can operate, accounting 45 1% Monitoringresults are not ratified basically by the environmental authorities Most of CEMS are in shutdown, evermore some never put into commission The reasons of CEMS in bad operation are analyzed And the suggestions of improvement are given
出处 《中国环境监测》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期7-11,共5页 Environmental Monitoring in China
关键词 烟气连续监测系统 运行 火力发电厂 whole country thermal power plant CEMS operation
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