根据秦岭保护区群的生物多样性和保护管理现状 ,提出了加强保护区群生物多样性保护和促进保护区发展的对策 ,其主要措施为 :一、合理划分和调整功能区 ;二、强化内部管理 ,加强对自然资源的巡护、监测 ;三、协调周边社区关系 ,积极开展社区共管工作 ;四、加强对外合作 ,积极开展科学研究 ;五、开展环境教育 ,提高全民保护意识 ;六、开展资源适度开发利用 ,增强自养能力。
Based on studies of the status quo of the biodiversity in the Qinling Mountains and its conservation and management, policies and strategies have been worked out for intensifying conservation of the biodiversity in the group nature reserves of the Qinling Mountains and stimulating development of the reserves. The main measures are: 1) to rationally divide and adjust function zones; 2) to intensify the internal management and to reinforce the patrol and monitoring of the natural resources; 3) to harmonize the relations with the neighboring communities by inviting them to take an active part in co management of the reserves; 4) to strengthen external cooperation and to make positive scientific study; 5) to raise peoples awareness of environment protection by means of propaganda and education;and 6) to exploit the natural resources appropriately so as to build up the self supporting capability of the reserves.odiversity in the Qinling Mount
Rural Eco-Environment