
中国智库影响力的实证研究与政策建议 被引量:142

An Empirical Research on the Influence of Chinese Think Tanks and Policy Advices
摘要 智库影响力的实证研究逐渐成为智库研究中的一个崭新领域。立足智库发展的一般规律与中国智库的演化特点,构建中国特色智库分类与评价标准,结合经济转型与社会发展背景下中国特色新型智库建设的实际需求,采用基于调查问卷的主观评价法,分别就中国智库的综合影响力、系统内影响力和专业影响力三个层面进行评价与排名,以期更加全面、科学、准确地观察和评价中国智库发展的现状、特点及其趋势。指出在未来的发展中,既要发挥各级各类智库的能动作用,实现体制机制创新;又要强化政府的引导以及对决策咨询的支持作用,为智库发展创造良好氛围。 The empirical research on the influence of think tanks has gradually become a new flied in the study of think tanks. Based on the general rules of the think tank development and the evolution characteristics of Chinese think tanks, unique classifications and assessment criterions were built to apply questionnaires and subjective assessment approach to sort the Chinese think tanks influences on three different dimensions as comprehensive, system-internal and professional. It is hoped to find the status, features and trends of Chinese think tanks more globally, scientifically and precisely according to the empirical work. In the near future, it is important to promote the Chinese think tanks function that will strengthen the government's guidance for decision-making consultation not only by expediting institutional and mechanism innovation, but also by creating a good atmosphere for development.
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期4-21,共18页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 智库 影响力 主观评价法 Think Tank Influence Subjective Assessment Approach
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