

摘要 尊敬的读者,非常感谢您使用《中国经济景气月报》,从2014年第3期起,我们将增加发布部分统计指标数据,具体包括:1、邮电业务中增加“快递业务收入”指标(见第26—27页表2.4.3)。2、对外经济贸易中增加“分国别(地区)外商商接投资”(见第47—50页表2.8.2)。3、工业生产与运营中增加“分地区主要产品产量”,包括铁矿石原矿等15种产品的当月值和累计值(见第124126页表3.4.2)。 Dear readers, Thank you for using China Monthly Economic Indicators(CMEI). Starting from the 3rd isse of 2014, new tables and indicators are taken in the book as can be seen below: 1- Revenue of Express Mail is added in Table 2.4.3 (page 26-27); 2- Foreign Direct Investment by Country (Region) is added as Table 2.8.2(Page 47-50); 3- Output of Major Industrial Products by Region is added as Table 3.4.2(Page 124-126), where regional series of 15 products such as Iron Ore becomes available;
出处 《中国经济景气月报》 2014年第3期I0004-I0004,共1页 China Monthly Economic Indicators
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