
基于语料库的葛浩文译者风格分析——以莫言小说英译本为例 被引量:48

A Corpus-based Study of Howard Goldblatt's Translator Style:With Reference to His English Version of Mo Yan's Novels
摘要 本文旨在基于"葛浩文英译小说汉英平行语料库"考察葛氏的翻译风格。本文通过对比分析莫言五部小说英译本中各种语言形式参数和强调斜体词的统计结果,得出三点主要发现:一是葛氏所译五部莫言小说的英译本在标准类符/形符比、中英文文字量比值、中英文句对主要类型排列顺序、said报道小句语序、强调斜体词使用数量方面都基本一致,这说明了葛氏翻译风格在这些方面具有一致性;二是葛氏英译莫言和苏童小说的风格在许多方面具有一致性;三是葛氏所译莫言小说英译本均具有明显的美国英语原创文本特征。本文认为,莫言小说得以在西方世界广泛传播,究其原因有以下四方面:葛氏对莫言小说的长期关注、他对莫言众多小说的翻译、他与莫言的合作关系以及他的主观能动性。本文结论为,中国文学"走出去"不仅要有优秀的作者和作品,还需要译者对作家作品的长期关注和连续翻译、译者和作者长期保持友好合作关系。 This article is aimed at making a study on How- ard Goldblatt's translator style based on the Chinese-Eng- lish parallel corpus of his English version of Chinese no- vels. Through a comparative analysis of the results of va- rious statistical parameters and emphatic italics in Goldblatt's English version of five of Mo Yan's novels, the study has made three major findings : 1 ) the standard- ized type/token ratio, the sequencing of main parallel sen- tence pairs, the order of the "said" reporting clauses, and the use of emphatic italics in his five translations of Mo Yan's novels are consistent with each other, which indi- cates his consistent style in these regards,2) his style as revealed in his translations of Mo Yan's novels is consist- ent in many aspects with that of his translations of Su Tong's novels,and 3) his translation of Mo Yan's novels is characteristic of the features of American English origi- nal novels. The study believes that four factors seem to have contributed to the popularity of Mo Yan's novels in the English-speaking world: Goldblatt's long-term atten- tion to Mo Yan's novels, his translating of many of Mo Yan's novels, his cooperative relationship with Mo Yan, and his personal initiative. The study concludes that in ad- dition to excellent writers and works, for Chinese literature to "go out" successfully ,there also needs translators who pay a long-term attention to these writers, translate their works as many as possible, and maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship with them.
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期72-78,共7页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究基金青年项目"葛浩文英译小说作品及其汉语原著平行语料库的创建与应用研究"(项目编号:12YJC740030) 河北省社科基金项目(项目编号:HB13YY002) 河北省社会科学发展研究课题(项目编号:201303383) 秦皇岛科技研究与发展计划项目(项目编号:201302A263)的资助
关键词 葛浩文 译者风格 莫言小说英译本 Howard Goldblatt translator style the Eng- lish version of Mo Yan's novels
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