
漩门湾国家湿地公园动植物群落物种多样性 被引量:12

Species Diversity of Animal and Plant Communities in Xuanmen Bay National Wetland Park
摘要 2010年4月~2011年1月期间,采用样方法和样线法,调查和研究漩门湾国家湿地公园内的草本植物、鸟类和底栖动物群落的物种组成和物种多样性(d多样性和口多样性)。研究结果表明,2010年,漩门湾国家湿地公园光滩的植物优势种是五节芒(Miscanthusfloridulus)、盐角草(Salicorniaeuropaea)、白茅(Imperatacylindrica),~芦苇(Phragmitesaustralis),互花米草(Spartinaaherniflora)滩涂的植物优势种是互花米草、芦苇和小蓬草(Conyzaca—nadensis);2011年1月光滩和互花米草滩涂的鸟类都是以环颈鹆(Charadriusalexandrinus)和长嘴剑鹆(Charadrius placidus)为主要物种;2010年10月和2011年1月,底栖动物都以短拟沼螺(Assimineabrevicula)焦河蓝蛤(Potamocorbulaustulata)为主要物种。光滩、互花米草滩涂、养殖池塘、蓄淡水水库和观光农业园生态系统草本植物的Shannon.Wiener多样性指数无显著差异,而其Simpson多样性指数存在显著差异;5个生态系统鸟类和底栖动物群落的Shannon.Wiener多样性指数和Simpson多样性指数间都存在显著差异;在漩门湾部分滩涂被围垦形成池塘、蓄淡水水库和观光农业区的过程中,其草本植物、鸟类和底栖动物群落的物种丰富度比天然光滩低且种群密度减小,同时群落优势物种组成及卢多样性指数(Jaccard相似性指数)也发生较大变化。此外,与光滩相比,互花米草入侵光滩后,互花米草滩涂的动植物群落的密度、物种丰富度和冬季底栖动物群落的Ot多样性减小;互花米草滩涂的鸟类和秋季底栖动物群落的O/多样性大于光滩。由于土壤湿度、盐碱度、光照和食物链构成等的善异,游门渣国家湿地公同内各牛杰系缔的动槽物群落组成和物种名样件存存一市蒡异. In order to conserve the biodiversity of wetlands, we need better understand the impacts of human activities on the biodiversity. In this paper, the impacts of habitat conversion and species invasion on indige- nous biodiversity were studied inside Xuanmen Bay National Wetland Park in Yuhuan county, Zhejiang prov- ince. The species composition of herbaceous plant, bird and zoobenthos communities in 5 types of habitats, in- cluding the tidal fiat invaded by Spartina alterniflora, natural tidal flat, reservoir, agricultural tourism zone and pond were investigated during April 2010 to January 2011. The results showed that Miscanthusfloridulus, Sali- cornia europaea, Imperata cylindrical and Phragmites australis were the dominant herbaceous speices in natural tidal fiat and Spartina alterniflora was the dominant speices in the tidal fiat invaded by Spartina alterniflora. Charadrius alexandrines and Charadrius placidus were the dominant bird species in the tidal fiats. Assiminea brevicula and Potamocorbula ustulata were the dominant zoobenthos species in the tidal fiats. In the park, Shan- non-Wiener diversity indices of herbaceous plant communities showed no significant differences among 5 hab- itats, but Simpson diversity indices showed significant differences. Meanwhile, the Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indices (alpha diversity) of the bird and zoobenthos communities were different among 5 habitats. When the tidal fiat was changed to reservoir, pond and agricultural tourism zone, not only the species richness and density decreased but also the dominant species and beta diversity (Jaccard similarity index) dif- fered among 5 habitats as well. The herbaceous plant, bird and zoobenthos communities showed lower density and richness at the tidal flat invaded by Spartina alterniflora compared with that in the natural tidal fiat. The zoobenthos community also showed lower alpha diversity in the natural tidal flat in autumn. However, in win- ter, the zoobenthos community showed higher alpha diversity in the natural tidal fiat than that in the tidal flat invaded by Spartina alterniflora. These results indicated that the construction of this wetland park changed the herbaceous plant, bird and zoobenthos communities' composition along with the changes of local environ- ments and interspecific relationships. In conclusion, our results provide a reference for understanding the im- pacts of habitat alteration and species invasion in this park, in hope of guiding better management of ecosys- tems and conservation of local biodiversity in the future.
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期204-213,共10页 Wetland Science
基金 中央财政湿地保护补助资金项目(财农[2013]81号)资助
关键词 维管植物 底栖动物 鸟类 滩涂 人工湿地 国家湿地公园 : vascular plant zoobenthos bird tidal flat artificial wetland national wetland park
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