
社会创业组织商业模式核心要素构成的跨案例研究 被引量:1

A Cross-case Study on the Core Elements of Social Entrepreneurship Organizations' Business Model
摘要 社会创业组织以商业经营手法实现社会价值,这种创新的组织形式迫切需要创新的商业模式方能维持可持续发展。文章在研究现有文献的基础上提出社会创业组织商业模式的核心要素构成和内涵,选取了全球三个较为成功的社会创业组织为研究对象,运用跨案例实证研究方法进行了比较分析,以期获得影响社会创业组织双重价值创造的重要因素。结论显示,社会创业组织商业模式要素构成不是单一的,而是由价值主张、经营策略、盈利模式、资源配置、价值网络、可持续能力等核心要素构成的组合体。 Social entrepreneurship organizations realize their social values through business practice, and innovative business models are in urgent need to maintain the sustainable development of these innovative forms of organization. In order to reveal the important factors that affect the double value creation of social en-trepreneurship, this paper, on the basis of analyzing the existing literature, puts forward the composition and connotation of the core elements of social entrepreneurship organizations, and with three globally successful so- cial entrepreneurship organizations as the research object, a comparative analysis is carried out by applying empirical cross-case study methodology. The research results show that the elements of social entrepreneur-ship organizations are a complex combination of value proposition, business strategy, profit model, resource al- location, value network and sustainable ability and etc.
作者 林海 黎友焕
出处 《山东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期14-19,共6页 Journal of Shandong University of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 广东省自然科学基金研究项目"社会创业组织商业模式构建与实证研究"(S2011010000230) 广东省科技计划项目"广东省社会企业商业模式研究"(2011B031400013) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"社会创业组织价值创造过程的理论模式研究"(09YJAZH016)的相关成果
关键词 社会创业组织 商业模式 核心要素 跨案例研究 双重价值 Social Entrepreneurship Organizations Business Model Core Elements Cross - case Study Double Value
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