为了解临床护士的营养学知识水平 ,对某医科大学 2所附属医院的内科、外科 185名护士的营养学知识及其应用现状进行了问卷调查 ,并对12 8例男性住院病人的营养状况进行评价。结果 :护士对营养学知识掌握普遍不足 ,其中基础营养学知识掌握情况较临床营养学知识好 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;大专以上学历的护士营养学知识掌握情况较中专护士好 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;2 0 .3 %的 18岁~ 49岁男性非危重住院病人存在不同程度的营养不良 ;护士对住院病人的营养评价方法不了解或了解不会做分别占 19.5 %、46.5 %。建议加强临床护士营养学知识的继续教育 ,以保证护理程序顺利进行。
To understand the knowledge level about nutriology of clinical nurses, 185 nurses from medicine and surgical department of two affiliated hospitals of one medical university were investigated. They were asked to fill up questionnaires about the knowledge on nutriology and its applying status. The nutritional status of 128 male in-patients was evaluated as well. Results showed that nurses' grasps of knowledge about nutriology were not enough. Among which, their knowledge about basic nutriology was superior to clinical nutriology (P<0.05). Nurses received college education had better grasp of nutriologic knowledge than those who had polytechnic school education (P<0.05). It also showed that20.3% of non-critical male in-patients aged from 18 yrs to 49 yrs had some degree of malnutrition. Nurses do not know how to evaluate the nutrition status ofin-patients or they completely had no idea about the evaluation accounted for46.5% and 19.5% respectively. Suggested that we strengthen the continuing education of clinical nurses on nutritional knowledge to ensure the nursing procedure carrying out smoothly.
Chinese Nursing Research