采用对比试验设计,将 40头中国荷斯坦妊娠母牛分为 2组,各 20头,在预产期前 60~ 70天肌注亚硒酸钠维生素 E50毫升 /头。试验结果表明:处理组母牛所产犊牛平均初生重 40.75千克,比对照组 38.62千克显著提高 5.8% (p<0.01)。妊娠奶牛通过亚硒酸钠维生素E处理后,无论是自身健康状况,还是犊牛生长发育情况,均得到了明显改善。
Applying the comparative experiment,Healthy China Holsteins were allotted randomly into two groups of eighteen heads.Every holsteins was injected intramuscularly 50ml/head by sodium selenite VE before date due calving 60~ 70 days. The result of feeding experiment showed that birth weight of every animal in treatment groups was 40.5kg,Birth weight 2.13kg higheer in treatment group than 38.62kg in control group (p The result showed that not only healthy of cows but also birth weight of calves were progress,after pregnant cows were injected Sodium Selenite VE.
China Dairy Cattle