目的了解联合使用保留膀胱颈(BNP)和尿道横纹括约肌(RS)重建对腹腔镜前列腺癌根治术后患者尿控的影响。方法选择自2011年1月至2012年12月,中日友好医院泌尿外科18例在腹腔镜前列腺癌根治术( LRP)中采用了BNP和RS重建技术的前列腺癌患者( BNP+RS组),以同期18例采用常规LRP手术方法治疗的前列腺癌患者作为对照组,观察两组的手术时间、术中出血量、术后切缘阳性率、漏尿和尿控功能恢复的情况。结果36例LRP均经腹膜外完成,无中转开放,BNP+RS组和对照组的中位手术时间、术中出血量、术后切缘阳性例数和漏尿例数分别为164(125~245)min和142(95~210)min,195(80~550)ml和230(120~400)ml,3和2例,0和2例。BNP+RS组和对照组术后3、6、12个月具有完全尿控能力患者的比例分别为12例(66.7%)和5例(13.9%),15例(83.3%)和11例(30.6%),16例(88.9%)和13例(36.1%)。 BNP+RS组术后3个月的尿控比例显著高于对照组(P=0.044),其余差异均无统计学意义(P=0.264、0.402)。结论在腹腔镜前列腺癌根治术中使用BNP+RS技术可显著提高患者术后3个月内的尿控能力。
Objective To retrospectively analyze the effects of bladder neck preservation ( BNP ) and reconstruction of rhabdosphincter ( RS) on urinary continence recovery for patients after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy ( LRP).Methods Bladder neck preservation plus reconstruction of rhabdosphincter ( BNP+RS) was employed in 18 prostate cancer patients after LRP from January 2011 to December 2012.Eighteen contemporary cases of routine LRP were selected for control group.The operative duration , blood loss volume , postoperative surgical margins , urine leakage and continence rate were compared between two groups.Results LRP was successfully performed through extraperitoneal space in all 36 cases.There was no conversion into open surgery.The median operative duration , blood loss volume , positive surgical margins and urine leakage rate in BNP +RS and control groups were 164(125-245)versus 142(95-210)min, 195 (80-550 ) versus 230 ( 120 -400 ) ml, 3 versus 2 cases and 0 versus 2 cases respectively.At 3, 6, 12 months, the continence rates in BNP +RS and control groups were 12 cases (66.7%) versus 5 cases (13.9%, P=0.044), 15 cases(83.3%) versus 11 cases(30.6%, P=0.264) and 16 cases (88.9%) versus 13 cases(36.1%, P=0.402)respectively.A significant higher continence rate in the first 3 months postoperatively was found in BNP +RS group than control group.Conclusion BNP plus RS reconstruction after LRP can significantly improve continence in the first 3 months after operation.
National Medical Journal of China
Prostatic neoplasms
Urinary incontinence