
复方樟柳碱注射液联合弱剂量光动力治疗中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变 被引量:11

Clinical observation of compound anisodine injection combined with low dose of photodynamic in the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy
摘要 目的探讨复方樟柳碱注射液联合弱剂量光动力治疗中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(CSC)的疗效。方法经荧光素眼底血管造影、吲哚氰绿脉络膜血管造影及相干光断层扫描检查确诊的138例(138只眼)CSC患者,采用常规治疗和复方樟柳碱注射液联合弱剂量光动力治疗,比较各组间的视力恢复情况、平均光敏感度、视网膜神经上皮脱离范围以及Amsler表检查。结果治疗后2周,观察组视力恢复情况、平均光敏感度、视网膜神经上皮脱离范围以及Amsler表检查明显优于对照组(P<0.05);10周后视力恢复情况、Amsler表检查与对照组比较无差异性(P>0.05);10周后观察组均光敏感度、视网膜神经上皮脱离范围明显优于对照组(P<0.05),复发率低,无明显的副作用。结论复方樟柳碱注射液联合弱剂量光动力治疗CSC疗效明显,无明显的副作用,值得推广。 Objective To investigate the effects of compound anisodine injection combined with low dose of photo -dynamic in the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy .Methods Totally 138 eyes of 138 patients with ACSC that were confirmed by FFA , ICGA and OCT were enrolled in this study .The visual acuity , mean light sensitivity , degree of retinal detachment and Amsler examination were obtained after treatment with compound anisodine injection combined with low dose photodynamic , and were compared to those in patients who received routine treatment ( control group ) .Results The recovery in visual acuity , mean light sensitivity , retinal detachment and Amsler examination results were better than that in control group after 2 weeks ( P 〈0.05).At 10 weeks, recovery in visual acuity and Amsler test were not different to that in control group ( P 〉0.05), but mean light sensitivity and degree of retinal re-attachment were better ( P 〈0.05).There was no obvious side effect .Conclusions Treatment effect of compound anisodine hydrobromide injection combined with low dose photodynamic is evident .There was no obvious side effect .
作者 孙亚丽
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2014年第2期147-149,共3页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
关键词 中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变 复方樟柳碱注射液 弱剂量光动力 Central serous chorioretinopathy Compound anisodine hydrobromide injection Low dose of photody-namic
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