By calculating the fault throw index and growth index of the active faults in Langgu sag,Jizhong depression, the fault throw figures and fault growth index figures of this sag in eachgeological time were drawn out. Research showed that Daxing fault had different activities atdifferent locations. The activity was weakened gradually from the southwest to the northeast as awhole. During the sedimentary period of Ek to Es4 , the three-level active faults were mainly locatedin the southeastern part of the sag, and were active weakly. During the sedimentary period of Es3 toEs2 , the distribution of active faults was gradually extended to northeast from the southeastern part ofthe sag, with intense faults activity. The results suggested that the activity of active faults inPaleogene was mainly controlled by structural evolution background, and the activity of other activefaults was also influenced by Daxing Fault.
Journal of Geomechanics