
TX1600G镗铣加工中心龙门铣削系统动态特性分析 被引量:4

Dynamic Performance Analysis of TX1600G Boring and Milling Machining Center Milling Systems
摘要 以TX1600G镗铣加工中心铣削系统为研究对象,利用Solidworks建立了铣削系统的三维实体模型。同时利用有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbench对机床铣削系统进行模态分析,获得其前六阶固有频率及振型。并在模态分析的基础上对铣削系统进行谐响应分析,得到了系统沿三个主运动方向的幅频曲线,进一步探讨铣削系统在外力激力下的抗振性能,并验证了有限元模型的有效性。通过模态、谐响应分析,验证了模型简化方案的可行性,在选择具体的材料方面,提供了良好的依据。同时,为以后镗铣加工中心铣削系统机电联合仿真参数优化设计奠定了夯实的基础。 TX1600G boring and milling machining center milling parts as the object of the study. The Three -dimensional solid model of was established based on Solidworks. Simultaneously, modal analysis was carded out by ANSYS Workbench software, The first six natural frequencies and corresponding modes were acquired, based on the modal analysis, the harmonic response analysis of milling parts was conducted, and the response curves of the three main motion orientation are obtained respectively, further the milling parts vibra- tion performance under forces is explored, and verifies the validity of the finite element model. The feasibili- ty of the model to simplify the program is verified by modal and harmonic response analysis. The study provides a good basis in terms of selecting a specific material. Meanwhile, the study will lay a solid foundation of the Optimization Design on electromechanical co-simulation of the boring and milling machining center milling parts.
出处 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2014年第5期50-53,共4页 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
基金 国家863计划重大项目(2012AA041303) 辽宁省科技计划项目(2013220017)
关键词 镗铣加工中心 铣削系统 模态分析 谐响应 机电联合仿真 boring-milling machine center milling system modal analysis harmonic response electromechanical co-simulation
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