
类风湿关节炎中医证型与X线征象相关性研究 被引量:5

In TCM Syndrome Type and the X-ray Manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis
摘要 [目的]观察类风湿关节炎中医证型与X线征象相关性。[方法]使用前瞻性设计方法,对161例门患者诊辨证分型,风寒湿痹、风热湿痹、痰瘀交阻、气血亏虚、肝肾阴虚、肝肾阳虚,使用美国GE公司500MAX线机,取患者双侧四肢X线片,少部取指关节侧位片。观测软组织肿胀、关节间隙、骨质形状、软骨形态、关节形状(骨性强直、融合畸形)。[结果]X线征象与中医证型密切相关。风寒湿痹型关节端梭形对称性肿胀。风热湿痹型关节肿胀明显,伴有关节缝隙增加,骨端有疏松样改变,骨皮质厚度降低,软骨或软骨下有病理性缺损,呈虫蚀样。痰瘀交阻型关节组织积液,骨质多疏松,关节骨面不平整,常有小缺损,且缺损不规则,关节处骨与骨的间距减小。气血亏虚型骨质疏松样改变,骨端有骨质囊样缺损,关节软骨破坏显著,关节骨与骨间隙逐渐减小。肝肾阴虚型骨小梁破坏明显,呈稀疏状,骨质破坏程度高,骨端尤为严重,呈广泛性,关节畸形。肝肾阳虚型大部骨质破坏,有不规则新骨生成或骨质硬化,少部骨关节现骨性融合致畸形。[结论]X线征象可为RA确诊、辨证分型依据。 [Objective]To observe the arthritis syndromes and X-ray findings of rheumatoid correlation. [Methods]Using a prospective design method, 161 cases of portal patients syndrome, arthralgia due to wind cold dampness, wind heatdampness, phlegm retention, blood deficiency, yin deficiency of liver and kidney,liver and kidney yang deficiency,using GE, 500MAX USA line machine, the patients with bilateral limb X-ray film, a small fetch joint side tablets.Observation of soft tissue swelling, joint space, bone, cartilage morphology, shape shape(joint ankylosis, fusionmalformation). [Results] The X-ray signs and syndrome type of TCM is closely related. Anemofrigid damp arthralgiajoints spindle symmetrical swelling. Wind heat dampness type joint swelling, accompanied by joint gap increased,bone end with loose change, thickness of cortical bone is reduced, the pathological defect under cartilage and cartilage, a moth eaten. The stagnation of phlegm and stasis type joint effusion, more bone osteoporosis, articularsurface is not smooth, often have a small defect, and the defect of irregular, spacing of bone and joint reduction. Qi and blood deficiency type osteoporosis like change, bone bone cystic defect, articular cartilage damage significantly,joint bone and bone gap decreases. Liver kidney yin deficiency type of trabecular bone was destroyed, sparselyshape, high degree of bone destruction, bone is particularly serious, is widespread, joint deformity. Damage of liverkidney deficiency of Yang big bone, with irregular new bone formation or bone sclerosis, a small bone and jointdeformity caused by the bony fusion. [Conclusion]The X-ray signs can be divided into two types according to radiagnosis, differentiation.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2014年第3期65-67,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 类风湿关节炎 X线 中医证型 相关性研究 Rheumatoid arthritis X-ray TCM syndrome type Correlation study
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