目的了解高校大学生对艾滋病的认知状况 ,以便为制定有针对性的健康教育和综合防治措施提供科学依据。方法 采用现场不记名方式于 2 0 0 0年 11月对西安五所高校大学生进行了问卷调查 ,用EpiInfo5.0统计软件进行统计分析。 结果 70 .5%的被调查者清楚艾滋病的全称。 4 9.1%的人能正确回答艾滋病的三种主要传播途径 ,2 5.6%的人还认为蚊虫叮咬可传播艾滋病。对此知识的掌握年龄大者、已婚者、受教育程度高的和医学生掌握程度优于年龄小的、未婚者、教育程度低的和非医学生。结论 高校大学生对艾滋病有关知识了解甚少 ,他们又处在感染的高危人群。这种低知识水平的现况 ,与我国面临的艾滋病流行趋势极不适应。提示今后艾滋病知识的健康教育应在大学生尤其应在低年级学生中加强。
Objective: To understand AIDS knowledge of the college students,to provide scientific evidence for making out the strategy of health education and synthetic prevention measure purposely.Methods An anonymous questionnaire was conducted with face to face interview to investigate the college students in Xi'an, and the software Epi info 5.0 was used to perform the statistical analysis of the data. Results 70.5% of university students knew the whole name of AIDS. As to three ways of HIV transmission, the investigation shows that 49.1% of college students knew three main ways. The 26.5% of college students mistakenly think that mosquito could transmit HIV. In general, the old, the married the literate, and medical students get more knowledge about AIDS than the young,the unmarried,the illiterate, and other major students. Conclusion The college students who are one of the most dangerous groups infected AIDS have poor knowledge. The situation of poor AIDS knowledge is extremely unfit to the prevalent tendency of AIDS, which our country is being faced. We suggest that the college students should be educated intensively on the health knowledge of AIDS especiallis beingy for freshmen.
Chinese Medical Ethics