
新型聚苯硫醚复合涂层的制备和性能研究 被引量:1

Study on New PPS Composite Coating Preparation and Performance
摘要 用浸涂法制备了G/MoS2/Ekonol/PES/PPS多元复合涂层,以涂层结合强度为评价标准,采用混料回归实验优化设计了G/MoS2/Ekonol/PES/PPS复合涂层的涂料配方,用拉开法测定复合涂层的结合强度,并对结合表面进行了观察和分析,研究了涂料组成、涂层制备工艺参数和涂层厚度对涂层结合强度的影响。结果表明,用浸涂法能制得力学性能优良的G/MoS2/Ekonol/PES/PPS复合涂层;采用典型配方Ekonol:PES:PPS:G/MoS2:助剂=25:20:45:8:2(质量比)能够得到较大的结合强度。 G /MoS 2 / Ekonol / PES / PPS multiple composite coatings was prepared by the dip coating method. The components of different coatings of G / MoS 2 / Ekonol / PES / PPS complex-coating have been optimized by blending regression experiment based on the evaluation criterion of the bonding strength of the coatings. The bonding strength is determined by the pull-off test,and the bonding surface of the composite coatings has been studied. The effects of the coating components,preparing parameters of he coatings and coating thickness on the bonding strength of coatings are studied. Results show that it is possible to prepare G / MoS 2 / Ekonol / PES / PPS composite coatings with good mechanical properties by the dip coating method. A larger bonding strength can be obtained by using the typital formula: Ekonol: PES: PPS: G / MoS 2 : additives =25∶20∶45∶8∶2.
出处 《材料开发与应用》 CAS 2014年第1期36-40,共5页 Development and Application of Materials
基金 湖南省自然科学省市联合基金(S2013J5123) 湖南省重点学科建设项目(湘教发[2011]76号) 湖南省高校科技创新团队支持计划(湘教通[2012]318号)
关键词 聚苯硫醚 聚苯酯 聚醚砜 复合涂层 结合强度 PPS Ekonol PES composite coating bonding strength
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