
碲镉汞红外探测器的前沿技术综述 被引量:6

Overview of Latest Technologies of HgCdTe Infrared Photoelectric Detectors
摘要 红外光电探测器件在军事、民用和科学研究方面具有非常重要的应用。而碲镉汞(HgCdTe)由于自身的诸多优点在红外光电探测器的发展中起到了至关重要的作用,至今仍然是重要的战略战术应用中首选的材料体系。首先分析了针对新一代红外探测器所提出的SWaP3(Size,Weight,and Power,Performance and Price)概念,然后简略介绍了第三代红外焦平面研究背景下HgCdTe薄膜的衬底水平与材料生长情况,最后总结了大规模阵列器件、甚长波红外器件、高工作温度(High Operating Temperature,HOT)器件、超光谱探测器件、双色器件以及雪崩光电器件等前沿技术方面的研究进展。 Infrared photoelectric detectors have shown their versatility in military, civilian and scientificresearch applications. Because of many advantages, the detector material HgCdTe has played a vitalrole in the development of infrared photoelectric detectors. Up to now, it is still the best choice formany applications. First, the SWaP3 concept proposed for the new generation of infrared detectors isanalyzed. Then, the HgCdTe materials qualified for the third generation of infrared focal plane arrays(FPA) are presented in brief. Finally, the research progress of large format array devices, very longwavelength devices, high operation temperature (HOT) devices, hyper-spectral devices, dual-band devicesand avalanche photoelectric diodes (APD) is summarized.
出处 《红外》 CAS 2014年第2期1-8,共8页 Infrared
关键词 碲镉汞 SWaP3概念 高工作温度 超光谱 双色 雪崩光电器件 HgCdTe SWaP3 concept HOT hyper-spectral dual-band APD
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