
五种系统性红斑狼疮活动指数的比较 被引量:55

Comparison of five activity criteria of systemic lupus erythematosus
摘要 目的 国外大约有 6 0多种系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)活动指数系统 ,国内尚无公认的SLE病情活动的判断指标。本文将五种国外应用较多的活动指数进行了可行性、敏感性、特异性及可靠性的比较 ,以了解其实用性。方法 根据美国风湿病学会 1982年SLE标准确诊的 32 4例SLE患者 ,年龄 15~ 5 8岁 ,病程 2个月~ 2 6年 ,女∶男 =10 96∶1。以专家会诊评定是否活动作为金标准 ,其中 2 18例活动 ,80例不活动 ,2 6例可疑活动。上述患者分别根据五种目前国际上常用的活动指数标准进行计分 ,这五种标准分别是 :BILAG (TheBritishIslesLupusAssessmentGroupScale) ,SLE DAI(TheUniversityofTorontoSLEDiseaseActivityIndex) ,SLAM (SystemicLupusActivityMeasure) ,LACC (TheLupusActivityCriteriaCount) ,NYHSS (TheNewYorkHospitalforSpecialSurgerySys tem)。计分结果通过SAS统计软件分析数据。结果 五种指数的表面可行性、标准可行性、构成可行性、敏感性及特异性均较好 ,但NYHSS及SLAM的可重复性较其他三种为差。结论 本研究推荐LACC和SLE DAI两种活动指数作为临床使用较为可靠和简便。 Objective About 60 systems for measuring SLE activity have been devised abroad, but there are no widely accepted SLE activity criteria in China.For further understanding the activity index of SLE,five SLE indexes were compared.Methods Five widely used SLE activity indexes for their validity,sensitivity,specificity and reliability were evaluated:BILAG (The British Isles Lupus Assessment Group Scale),SLE DAI (The University of Toronto SLE Disease Activity Index),SLAM (Systemic Lupus Activity Measure),LACC (The Lupus Activity Criteria Count),NYHSS (The New York Hospital for Special Surgery System).All data were analyzed by SAS statistical software.Result All activity indexes had good validity,sensitivity and specificity,but the reliability of NYHSS and SLAM was not as good as the other three. But the BILAG index was more complex than others.Conclusion SLE DAI and LACC are recommended as the best SLE activity indexes for clinical use.
出处 《中华风湿病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第1期35-38,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rheumatology
关键词 系统性红斑狼疮 活动指数 诊断 SLE Lupus erythematosus,systemic Activity index Diagnosis
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  • 1Liang M H,Arthritis Rheum,1989年,32卷,1107页




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