
马克思主义经典作家民族主义论述的再认识:“困难对话论”评析(上) 被引量:2

Re-Thinking Classic Marxist Writers' Explications on Nationalism; On the “ Difficult Dialogue between Marxism and Nationalism"
摘要 马克思主义和民族主义均位居近现代影响最为深远的思潮之列。在对待马克思主义和民族主义间关系和思想碰撞问题上,学界普遍存在"困难对话论"的观点和现象,在对待经典作家关于民族主义的论述时往往采取回避、揶揄甚至否定与批判的态度。经典作家在基本立场上对民族主义持批判态度,但这并非其所持观点的全部,马克思主义和民族主义并非决然对立。经典作家关于民族主义的论述内容丰富,既体现为着重于"人类解放"历史意蕴的"长时段理论"和"大理论",又从无产阶级立场出发剖析了民族主义的"两重性",论述了"两种民族主义"问题,并在从"工人没有祖国"到"祖国之歌唱起"的民族国家实践中体现了国际主义和民族主义的互动。经典作家相关论述具有当代意义,契合了世界政治文明发展的正义方向,对我国处理社会主义与民族主义的关系具有启示意义。因此,"困难对话论"缘由值得审视,经典作家关于民族主义的论述值得再认识。 Both Marxism and nationalism are among the most far-reaching thoughts in modern times. On dealing the ideological collision between Marxism and nationalism, "difficult dialogue" universally exists in the academic circle. Many scholars evaded, ridiculed, criticized or even negated classic Marxist writers' explications on nationalism. Though basically, classic Marxist writers criticize nationalism, it doesn' t mean that Marxism and nationalism inevitably oppose to each other. Classic Marxist writers have profoundly discussed nationalism. They not only focus on the "Long-period Theory" and "Grand Theory" based on "Human Liberation", but also analyze the "Duality" of nationalism and the issue of "Two Kinds of Nationalism" from the proletarian standpoint. The interaction between internationalism and nationalism is reflected in the nation-state practices from "workers without homeland" to "sing the song of homeland". Such explications match the direction of justice in political development and so mean a lot to socialist countries such as China in contemporary era. Thus, it is highly necessary to analyze the causes of the "difficult dialogue between Marxism and Nationalism" and re-think classic Marxist writers' explications on nationalism.
作者 张三南
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期1-9,共9页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"马克思主义经典作家关于民族主义的论述及当代意义研究"(项目号:10CMZ002)最终成果之一及国家社会科学基金项目"中国共产党各时期领导人关于民族主义论述的重要文献整理与研究"(项目号:13CMZ002)阶段性成果
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