
经济全球化背景下企业发展战略研究──“地域多样化”还是“专业全球化” 被引量:2

Enterprise developmental strategy in economic globalizatio N
摘要 在当今全球经济一体化和我国即将加入WTO的背景下,国内的企业将面临着更强的国际竞争对手,因此企业必须集中力量在某一行业内做强,再通过全球扩张做大,即所谓的专业全球化。若企业采取多元化战略,也必须是建立在核心能力基础上的多元化。加强核心能力的培育是赢得国际竞争优势的关键。 Economic globalization and the entrance into the WTO will make Ch ina part of the world market and force Chinese enterprises to face more intense international competition. The most urgent problem facing the Chinese business i s, then, what developmental strategies large- and medium-sized enterprises mus t adopt to take the upper hand in the market competition. On the basis of compar ative studies, two models of strategic restructuring of enterprises can be found , i.e. regional diversification and globalized specialization. Their formation i s due to different reasons. The necessity and advantage of adopting the strategy of globalized specialization can be seen through an analysis of globalization, the cultivation of core competitiveness and the formation of the horizontal stru cture of industry. America's GE and a well-known Rok's company provide go od cases of strategic restructuring for our reference.
作者 仇向洋
出处 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2001年第1期37-41,共5页 Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)
关键词 经济全球化 专业全球化 地域多样化 企业发展战略 成因 企业核心能力 横向工业结构 案例分析 economic globalization globalized specialization regional diversification
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  • 1(美)安德鲁·葛洛夫(AndrewS.Grove)著,安然.只有偏执狂才能生存[M]光明日报出版社,1997.





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