
中国农艺科技论文流向国外SCI期刊的情况及对期刊发展的警示 被引量:1

The status of China's Scientific Papers Published in SCI journals Abroad and its Warning to the Development of Journals
摘要 针对中国优秀科技论文外流,中国科技期刊质量未能全面反映出中国科技发展真实水平的情况,以SCI收录的国外农艺类期刊以及国内农艺类核心期刊发表的科技论文为研究对象,通过数据库检索定量分析中国优秀科技论文外流的程度及产生的原因。结果表明:中国优秀农艺类期刊论文外流篇数和比例呈逐年上升的趋势,截至2012年外流篇数和比例分别达到930和17.54%,是2003年的5倍和3.2倍,且大多流向同领域的优秀国际期刊。进一步分析论文外流的原因及对其产生的不良影响提出警示,以期对国内期刊的发展提供参考。 China's outstanding scientific papers are increasingly published in journal abroad, and China's science and technology periodical quality fail to fully reflect the real level of the development of science and technology in China. Taking foreign agricultural SCI journals and domestic agricultural core journals published scientific papers as the research object, through quantitative analysis of database, the status of China's excellent scientific papers published in SCI journals abroad and the causes were analyzed. Results showed that the outflow number and proportion of China's excellent agronomic papers were rising in recent year, which was 930 and 17.54% respectively in 2012 that were 5 and 3.2 times of that in 2003 respectively. Based on the further analysis of the reasons, its adverse influences on domestic journals development needs to alert. The paper provide a reference for the development of domestic journals.
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2014年第6期43-46,共4页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
基金 中国科协精品科技期刊工程项目(出版质量提升及期刊出版人才培育)
关键词 农艺 期刊 科技论文 SCI论文外流 原因 Agronomic Journal Scientific paper SCI outflow of paper Reason
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