在知识经济时代到来之际 ,高校强化创造教育具有特殊重要的意义。创造教育是在基础知识教育过程中 ,以培养大学生的创新精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育实践活动。影响和制约高校创造教育模式的构建和发展的基本因素应包括环境因素、教学因素、知识因素。
With the coming of the knowlege economy age ,there is special importance for higher Learning institutions to strengthen creativity education, which is an educational practice with the aim to train stndent's creative spirit and ability during the course of basic knowlege learning.The basic factors which influence and restrict the structure and development of creativity education in colleges and universityies includ:enviromental,teaching,informational,managerial,individual factor and etc.
Journal of Linyi Teachers' College