目的 :观察前列腺素E1(PGE1)对糖尿病周围神经病变的疗效。方法 :6 5例糖尿病周围神经病变患者随机分组对照观察 :前列腺素E1组 34例 ,给予PGE12 0 0 μg ,溶于生理盐水注射液 (NS) 5 0 0ml静脉点滴每日一次 ,共 4周 ;安慰剂组 31例 ,其降糖、降压、降脂及活血化淤等基础治疗与前列腺素E1组相同 ,另给予生理盐水注射液 5 0 0ml静脉点滴每日一次 ,共 4周。结果 :前列腺素E1组痛觉过敏及感觉减退有效率达 36 8%和 6 5 4% ,与安慰剂组相比显著提高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;神经传导速度改善的有效率也显著提高 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论
Objective: To investigate the effect of PGE1 on diabetic neuropathies.Methods: 65 patients with diabetic neuropathies were involved in a randomized control clinical trial.34 cases were treated with PGE1 200 μg solved in normal saline (500 ml) intravenously everyday for 4 weeks.31 cases treated with same basic therapy included hypolycemic agent,decompression,blood lipid lowerring and so on as the PGE1 group except normal saline 500 ml intravenously everyday for 4 weeks.Results: Hyperalgia and hypoesthesia were improved by 36.8% and 65.4% in the PGE1 group,which were increased obviously compared with the placebo, P <0.05;PGE1 also benefited nerve conduction velocity to a better extent compared with the placebo, P <0.05.Conclusion: PGE1 could give certain effect on diabetic neuropathies.
Henan Medical Research