
新药用资源菠萝叶小鼠一般生殖毒性的研究 被引量:1

Study on General Reproductive Toxicity of Oral Administration of Pineapple Leaves Extract in Mice
摘要 目的:对菠萝叶小鼠的一般生殖毒性进行研究,有助于更好的评价该植物的药用价值。方法:分别灌胃给予成年雄性和雌性小鼠菠萝叶,然后合笼进行交配。对于交配成功的雌鼠继续饲养。分别对孕鼠的妊娠、胎鼠的发育及生产的子代小鼠的情况进行实验观察。结果:菠萝叶除了大剂量(4 g·kg-1)对亲本雄性鼠体重有一定降低外,对其它各项指标均无明显影响。对孕鼠及其子代小鼠均未见有明显影响。结论:提示菠萝叶对小鼠一般生殖功能无明显毒性。 This article was aimed to study the general reproductive toxicity in mice in order to give a better evalua-tion of the medicinal plant of pineapple leaves (A nanas comasus L). Adult male and female mice were orally admin-istered with pineapple leaves. And then, each of the male and female mice was put together in one cage for mating. The mating success females were fed continuously. The experimental observation was conducted in pregnancy, fetal development, as well as the offspring of mice. The results showed that in addition to a large dose of pineapple leaves (4 g·kg^-1) of the parental male rats having a lower body weight, pineapple leaves did not significantly affect on other parameters. There were no significant effects on pregnant mice and their offspring of mice. It was concluded that the pineapple leaves did not influence the general reproductive function of mice apparently.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 北大核心 2014年第5期966-971,共6页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 科学技术部国家创新药物重大专项(2012ZX09103-201-041):糖脂代谢新药BLP的研究 负责人:邢东明
关键词 菠萝叶 药用价值 生殖毒性 小鼠 Pineapple leaves medical value reproductive toxicity mice
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