研究小型无人机机翼不同程度受损条件下无人机气动特性,仿真无人机损伤多少比例机翼时可保持飞行。设计一个无人机模型,研究基于有限元分析的机翼损伤下的气动分析。在CATIA三维软件中对无人机建模,在ANSYS ICEM中进行模型曲面划分与流场网格划分,ANSYS FLUENT中进行气动分析。先分析完整机翼的无人机模型,再逐步切除一定比例的机翼,对比分析机翼损伤前后的气动特性,得出切除多少比例面积的翼面时无人机模型仍可保持飞行,为将来实际无人机设计和风洞试验提供依据。
Studied on micro unmanned aerial vehicle aerodynamic character under different wing injury conditions and simulated the proportion of wing area injured that the UAV could remain flying.This paper designed an UAV model and performed aerodynamic analysis of injured wing based on finite element analysis.The UAV model is designed in CATIA.The model sur- face division and the flow field mesh processing were performed in ANSYS ICEM.The aerodynamic analysis is carried out in ANSYS FLUENT,It analyzes UAV model with whole wing at first,then removed certain proportion wing step by step,gaines the proportion of wing area removed that the UAV model remain flying finally by comparative analysis of aerodynamic character of UAV model before and after wing injured.
Industrial Control Computer