
关于海外华语文教师专业发展研究的思考 被引量:16

On the Professional Development of Overseas Chinese Language Teachers
摘要 海外华语文教育的新发展对华语文教师专业发展提出了新的更高要求,因此,如何推动海外华语文教师专业发展,提升其专业水平和教育教学能力,已经成为华语文教育界普遍关注的重大理论研究课题,并具有十分重要的现实意义。本文从教师专业发展理论研究现状分析入手,探讨了"教师专业发展"的概念、阶段、范式及标准问题,分析了海外华语文教师专业发展的现状及海外华语文教育教学的特殊性对华语文教师专业发展提出的特殊要求,阐述了海外华语文教师专业发展的途径与方式,并建议海内外华语文教育机构联合成立学术组织,开展海外华语文教师专业发展研究,以促进华语文教师提高专业能力和水平,推动世界华语文教育更快更好发展。 The development of Chinese language and culture education puts forward a higher requirement for teachers' professional development. Thus, how to promote overseas Chinese language teachers' professional development and help them improve their professional skills and teaching abilities has become an important research topic of vital practical significance among the Chinese language educational circle. Starting with an analysis of the present situation of teachers' professional development theories, this paper discusses the concept, stages, paradigms, standards, and the special demands set by the status quo of overseas Chinese language education and the particularities of the discipline. The paper continues to elaborate the ways and means of professional development for overseas Chinese language teachers. It is then suggested that a uniform academic organization should be established jointly by educational institutes in China and outside China to conduct research in professional development of overseas Chinese language teachers, so that their professional skills and teaching abilities can be improved and Chinese language and culture education faster and better promoted.
作者 贾益民
出处 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期345-355,共11页 Chinese Teaching in the World
关键词 华语文教育 汉语国际教育 华语文教师 教师专业发展 Chinese language and culture education, international Chinese language education, Chinese language teachers, teacher professional development
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