
美资在华科技研发企业自组织能力研究 被引量:1

摘要 研究美资在华科技企业的自组织能力问题,旨在解决两种经济体在经营理念差异、研发成果输出限制、企业人力资源开发与管理、意识形态论争、民主化输出辩论和核心技术安全性讨论等方面的问题。本文结合国内外中美之间科技研发合作的最新资料,以美资在华研发企业为案例,联系最近一段时期美资在华科技研发投入减少的事实,指出了中美双方在科技研发自组织能力上的差异是导致上述现象出现的主要原因。作为方法论解读,本研究提出了加强中美科技合作、优化美资在华科技研发企业自组织能力的具体方略。 The essay aims to solve the problems of two economies of China and America in management idea difference, research output limit, enterprise human resources development and management, ideological disputes, democratic output debates and core technology security discussions. The paper relies on the latest data happened in scientific and technological research and development between China and American. As the case, the article discusses the development of American enterprises invested in China. It is the main reason leading to investment reductions that the difference of self - organizingR&D abilities between China and American. As a methodology of interpretation, this study puts forward concrete strategies to strengthen Sino - US cooperation in science and technology.
作者 李甡
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2014年第7期80-83,共4页 Enterprise Economy
关键词 美资 研发企业 自组织能力 研究 科技合作 US capital R&D enterprises self- organizing ability research scientific and technical cooperation
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