With a watershed area of 1.622×10^5 km^2, Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China connecting to the Yangtze River. The lake area during the wet season was much larger than that during the dry season. In addition, the water level is in balance between the Yangtze River and the lake during the wet season, which causes the lake relatively stable. Therefore samplings were conducted in Poyang Lake during the wet season (August in 2011 and July in 2012), with a wide coverage (77 sampling sites in total). The primary objective was to illustrate the spatial distribution of phytoplankton biomass (measured as chlorophyll a concentration) in Poyang Lake on the whole lake scale, especially in areas which were less well studied before. Additionally, we also considered the relationships between the chlorophyll a and responsible environmental factors, such as secchi depth, suspended solids and nutrients, in order to examine the effect of environmental factors on the growth and distribution of phytoplankton in Poyang Lake. The chlorophyll a concentration in Poyang Lake was relatively low, with the averaged of 10.58 μg/L, even though the nutrient concentrations were relatively high (mean concentration of total nitrogen was 1.38 mg/L and mean concentration of total phosphorus was 0.07 mg/L). Spatially, the chlorophyll a concentrations increased from the north region through the middle region, and achieved the highest in the southeast part of the lake. The results of Spearman correlation analysis showed that the chlorophyll a concentration was closely related to the underwater light condition, i.e., significantly positive correlated with the water transparency (r = 0.273, p = 0.002), and significantly negative correlated with suspended solids (r = -0.254, p = 0.004). Regarding nutrients, the chlorophyll a concentration was significantly negative correlated with the concentrations of total nitrogen, dissolved total nitrogen, nitrogen dioxide and NO3, but was not significantly correlated with other nutrients' concentrations. Low light availability, as indicated by the water transparency and suspended solids, was mainly caused by water movement and sand excavation which in combined resulted in the quite shallow euphotic zone in Poyang Lake. In conclusion, the underwater light condition was showed to be the principal limiting factor in regulating the growth of phytoplankton in Poyang Lake. Additionally, water retention time was also a crucial factor affecting algae growth. Short water retention time (about 10 days) limited phytoplankton growth in Poyang Lake. The chloro- phyll a concentration was not significantly correlated with most nutrients' concentrations, indicating that the effect of nutrients on phytoplankton growth was not obvious during the wet season, which might be concealed by high water level.
Wetland Science