
2012年大连市部分医疗机构消毒灭菌效果监测 被引量:1

Effect of disinfection and sterilization in partial medical institutions of Dalian in 2012
摘要 目的了解大连市医疗机构消毒灭菌效果,进一步加强消毒管理,有效控制医院感染。方法依据卫生部《消毒技术规范》规定的采样、检验方法,对大连市39所各级各类医疗机构进行现场抽样检测。共采集各类样品709份,对实验室检测结果进行合格率统计、分析。结果大连市各级各类医疗机构消毒灭菌效果总合格率为92.10%,医疗机构监测合格率最高的是民营医院和企业医院,均为100.00%,合格率最低的是部队医院,为80.77%;样品监测合格率最高的是灭菌器、灭菌后物品和使用中消毒剂,合格率均达到了100.00%,合格率最低的是医院动态空气,合格率为64.29%。结论大连市医疗机构消毒灭菌效果较好,合格率较高,但应加强薄弱环节的消毒管理。 Objective To know the effect of disinfection and sterilization in medical institutions of Dalian, and improve nosocomial disinfection and infection control management. Methods Field selective examination on the basis of the Technical Standard for Disinfection was carried out in 39 various medical institutions of Dalian. 79 samples were collected and analyzed. Results The overall passing rate of the sterilization and disinfection in various medical institutions of Dalian was 92. 1%, the passing rates of private hospitals and corporate hospitals were both the highest (both 1% ) ,while the passing rate of the military hospitals was the lowest ( 8. 77% ) ; the passing rate of the tested samples in sterilizers, the sterilized items and use of disinfectants were the highest( all 1% ), while the passing rate of the tested samples in dynamic air of hospital was the lowest ( 64. 29% ). Conclusion The effect of disinfection and sterilization in medical institutions of Dalian is satisfactory, but the weak links disinfection management should be strengthened.
出处 《中国卫生工程学》 CAS 2014年第3期235-236,共2页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
关键词 医疗机构 消毒 灭菌 效果监测 Medical institution Disinfection Sterilization Effect monitoring
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  • 1国家技术监督局,中华人民共和国卫生部.GB15981-1995消毒与灭菌效果的评价方法与标准[S].北京:中国标准出版社,1995.
  • 2国家技术监督局,中华人民共和国卫生部.GB15982-1995医院消毒卫生标准[S].北京:中国标准出版社,1995.
  • 3洪联姗.2007年深圳市盐田区区级医院消毒效果监测[J].中国卫生工程学,2008,7(S1):2-3. 被引量:5






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