
职业人文教育:逻辑解构与理论重构 被引量:1

Occupational Humanity Education:Logic Deconstruction and Theory Reconstruction
摘要 针对张少兰老师对"职业人文教育"的生成语境、价值追求和实践路径选取等命题的质疑进行了理论回应,认为"职业人文教育"的提出有其现实必要性与可能性。应然的职业人文教育是职业教育的题中应有之义,但由于其理论范式和实践路径缺乏顶层设计,因此必须重塑并彰显职业人文教育的本然要义。重构职业人文教育应以人文精神为旨归,以培养"成人"为其价值追求的职业教育。其应是一种存在教育、素质教育与生态教育。实践职业人文教育必须从职业教育的顶层设计、课程设计和教学设计上入手,进行理论范式的转型与渗透。 This paper makes response and poses questions to Mr. Zhang Shaolan's view of the generating context of “occupation education”, the pursuit of value and question the practice path selection of the proposition. The proposition of occupational humanity educations propose has its necessity and possibility. In the view of perfect angle, occupational of humanity education should be an inner meaning of occupational education, but because of the theory and practice path lack of the top-level design. So we must reshape and highlight the original meaning of the humanity education. This paper aims to restructure an occupational education, its aim to highlight the humanity spirit to cultivate “men” as its value pursuit. It is a kind of existence education, quality education and ecological education. To practice the humanity education occupation, we must start from the top-level design, occupational education curriculum design and teaching design to catty on the theoretical paradigm transformation and infiltration.
作者 聂永成
出处 《国家教育行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期54-58,共5页 Journal of National Academy of Education Administration
关键词 职业教育 人文教育 职业人文教育 全人教育 occupation education humanity education occupational of humanity education education for the whole person
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