信息化社会对师范院校计算机基础教育提出了更新、更高的要求 .从人才素质培养的需要 ,我们开展了师范院校计算机基础教育中加强学生素质和能力培养的探索与实践 .并在促进学生知识、能力、素质的综合提高、德智体美等全面发展 。
The information society has new and high demand for computer basic education in normal school.According to the needs of training personnel competence,we have studied strengthening student's competence and ability in computer basic education in normal schools,and practiced it.We have not only got some achievment in promoting student to improve his knowledge,ability and competence,but also raised our teaching level and education quality.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College(Natural Science)