板栗栗果在室温 ( 18~ 2 1℃ )自然风干失水过程中 ,其种子脱氢酶 ( DHase)活性总趋势降低 ,电导率、MDA含量增加 ,过氧化氢酶 ( CAT)活性升高 ,到处理的第 14d达最大值 ,然后降低。栗果含水量与其种子 DHase活性之间呈显著正相关 ,与电导率、MDA含量呈显著负相关。当含水量从 43.7%下降到 30 .9%时 ,各指标变化显著 ,DHase活性降低 12 2 .8% ,电导率增大了 179.6 % ,MDA增加 5 4.4% ,CAT活性增大到最大值。说明 。
During the process of natural air drying desiccation at 18℃-21℃,the dehydrogenase activity of chestnut seeds Tielitou decreased firstly and reached its maximum on the 14th day, then lowered. There is a positive correlation between the moisture content of chestnut seeds and DHase activity, but a negative correlation between the moisture content and electrical conductivity, MDA content. When the moisture content of chestnut seeds decreased from 43.7% to 30.9%,each item had a distinct change:in comparison with the initial level, dehydrogenase decreased 122.8%,electrical conductivity raised 179.6%,MDA content increased 54.4%,and CAT rose to its maximum. Based on the results, the moisture content during storage would be maintained at about 43% for chestnut seeds Tielitou.