近年来 ,我国医疗卫生事业已有了深刻的变化与长足的发展 ,新形势下医院如何进行人才培养 ,是当前摆在医院管理者面前的重要问题。首先是对医院人才培养目标的定位 ;其次是医院人才的培养 ,具体讲 :1人才效益性的认识 ;2普遍培养与择优重点培养 ,实现点与面相结合的人才培养方法 ;3近期与长远规划相结合的培养方法 ;4服务技术型人才的培养 ;5注重临床医学人才的培养 ;6注重医院管理人才的培养。
A great changes and significant developments have been made in health service of our country in recent years, and it is a subject for hospital managers to think how to cultivate medical professionals for adapting the new situation. The objective of medical professional cultivation should be fixed in the first place, and the way of cultivation should be developed secondly. The cultivation of medical professionals should be reflected in these aspects:① to recognize the efficency of medical professionals;② the combination of general cultivation and special adventage cultivation;③ the combination of short-term and long-term cultivation;④ the cultivation of serviceable and technical professionals;⑤ to emphasize the cultivation of clinical skills;⑥ to cultivate skillful hospital managers.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army