选择与转相相关并形成中相的相态试验方法,研究提高异常相态原油的增溶作用以及进一步降低界面张力的途径.实验表明,当使用大庆脱气原油配制微乳液时,得出了石油磺酸盐的平均当量与最佳含盐量对数关系的标准曲线,从曲线上看出,适合大庆原油的磺酸盐平均当量为520左右,根据这一参数界限,得到了使原油的界面张力达到10^(-3)mN/m 的较好的驱油配方,同时增加石油磺酸盐的平均当量和增加醇的碳链长度以及使用混合醇,改善了对原油的增溶作用,降低了界面张力,并加宽了驱油体系对含盐量的适应范围.
In this study,procedures,which can form middle phase and are related to the phase inversion,are selected to study the method of increasing the solubilization of abnormal phase behavior crude oil and decreasing the interracial tension test and show that in- creasing the average equivalent weight of the petroleum sulfonates,can improve the solubilization of the crude oil,decrease the interracial tension,and give a wide range of the salinits for optimization of the displaccment of oil system. In the formulization of microemulsion with Daqing degassed oil,a linear relation- ship between the average equivalent weight of the petroleum sulfonate and the loss of the optimum salinits was obtained.It can be seen from this curve that the optimum av, eq.wt,of the petroleum sulfonate is 520.Based on this parameter,TRS-18,PHH and P-HMW with av.eq.weight of 500 are selected to give a better displacement of oil sys- tem with a interracial tension as low as 10mN/m.
oil prospering
surface activator