在高等院校 ,硕士生、博士生的培养一般实行导师制 ,而本科生的培养采用导师制的比较鲜见。在本科生导师制试点的基础上 ,重点对导师制在本科生培养中的作用和意义进行了论述 :导师制是学生思想政治教育和管理体制的重要组成部分 ;导师制能有效促进当前习惯的教学模式的改革和完善 ;导师制是开展第二课堂活动的好制度。高等学校在本科生培养中有条件广泛实行导师制 。
In modern universities, graduates are all directed by their supervisors. But it is very rare for undergraduates to be supervised as graduates. Based on the experience obtained from directing juniors in the secondary lab-class, the significance and influence of this kind of education is investigated. It shows that supervision system of undergraduates is the main constituent of mental education and management system; it develops the teaching method effectively as well as enhancing the secondary practice-class. Supervision system of undergraduates shows advanced approach in improving the qualities of the university undergraduates
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology(Social Science)