
大力构建有利于创新的文化环境 被引量:107

Put Great Efforts to Establish Cultural Environment Favorable to Innovation
摘要 人类正在经历一场全球性的科技革命。在当前发展的趋势下,准确把握我国先进文化的前进方向,培育创新的文化环境,对完成科教兴国大业具有非常重要的意义。文章从历史和现实的层面,探讨了科技发展的新态势及其观念变革的影响,分析了创新与文化的关系,指出了当前我国建立创新文化的必要性和紧迫性,并就构建我国有利于创新的文化环境提出了几点建议和体会。 In the 21st century, mankind is experiencing a global science and technology revolution.Due to this developing trend, it's very significant to exactly hold the developing direction toward the advanced culture of our country and cultivate innovative cultural environment for our great goal of flourishing our country by science and education. From the historical and practical point of view, the paper discusses the new trend of development of science and technology and concerned effects on the modes of thought. It puts forward the relations between innovation and culture and points out that it is necessary and urgent to establish the innovative cultural environment. The paper also proposes some suggestions and experiences.
作者 徐冠华
机构地区 科学技术部
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期1-7,共7页 China Soft Science
关键词 科学技术革命 创新文化 科技创新 观念更新 体制改革 人本观念 国家创新体系 science and technology revolution innovative culture technology innovation
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