
南方主要鲜食葡萄生长结实特性与温度关系的研究 被引量:6

Relationship between atmospheric temperature and growth characteristics of main edible grapes in South China.
摘要 对南方鲜食葡萄品种生长结实特性与温度关系的研究表明 ,各品种春梢生长与气温 ,尤其是有效积温的关系符合Y =aX3+bX2 +cX三次方程 .依据拟合方程得 :生长速率最快的是巨峰 ,当有效积温达 190 6 8℃时 ,温度每增加 10℃新梢生长 0 .43433cm ;生长速率最慢且对温度不敏感的是蜜香宝 ,有效积温高达 36 7.19℃时 ,新梢生长速率仅为 0 .1715 0cm .对果实经济性状综合评价和品种优良特性的模糊评判表明 ,值得推广的品种有巨峰、京亚、藤稔、蜜香宝、龙宝 ;限制发展的品种有紫珍香 ;淘汰早生高墨、黑丰 . The study shows that there existed a significant relationship between the new branch growth of grapes and temperature, especially effective accumulate temperature. Kyoho had the fastest new branch growth rate among all varieties,which was 0.43433cm in length with raising 10℃ while effective accumulate temperature was over 190.68℃. Mixiangbao had the slowest new branch growth rate,which was 0.17150cm in length with raising 10℃ while effective accumulate temperature was over 367.19℃.The economic properties and quality in variety character were researched by fuzzy valuation. The results showed that Kyoho, Jingya, Fujiminori, Mixiangbao, and Longbao were worthy of spreading,while Zizhenxiang would be limited in production,and Wase takasumi and Heifeng should be eliminated through selection.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第2期199-204,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 安徽省教委自然科学基金!资助项目 (99J1 0 0 52 )
关键词 鲜食葡萄 生长 积温 品质 模糊评判 结实 南方 Edible grape, Growth, Accumulate temperature, Quality, Fuzzy valuation.
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