经济中有文化 ,文化中有经济 ,产生于消费活动并指导人们消费行为的文化 ,可称之为消费文化。消费文化的主要形态为消费观念。当前 ,应该大力倡导健康消费文化 ,反对奢靡消费文化 ;鼓励积极消费文化 ,限制无度消费文化 ;加强自主消费文化 ,弱化趋同消费文化 ;主张平衡消费文化 ,避免极端消费文化 ;坚持和谐消费文化 。
Economy and culture are interactive, and the culture evolving from consuming activities is called consumption culture, which also directs consuming behaviors. Its main feature is consumption conception. At present, we should initiate healthy consumption culture and oppose the extravagant one, encourage active consumption culture and restrict the excessive one, enforce independent consumption culture and weaken the convergence one , advocate balanced consumption culture and avoid the extreme one, intend harmonious consumption culture and boycott the unbalanced one.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University