目的:探讨蝮蛇抗栓酶抑制血管再狭窄的作用机制,对临床应用提供理论依据,为再狭窄的防治寻找治疗药物。方法:建立兔髂动脉再狭窄模型,用自行设计、合成的C-myc cDNA探针和原位杂交技术观察血管内膜C-myc mRNA的表达与内膜血管平滑细胞(vscularsmooth muscle cells,vSMCs)增殖和内膜形成的关系。结果:C-myc mRNA表达于动脉受损后1周即达高峰并分布于增生的内膜全层,平均阳性细胞个数为29.23·mm^(-2),蝮蛇抗栓酶1周时对C-myc mRNA的表达有明显的抑制作用,平均阳性细胞个数为10.73·mm^(-2)。结论:抑制C-myc基因的表达可能减少或阻止内明显病变的形成,有利于血管再狭窄的防治。研究显示蝮蛇抗栓酶对防治再狭窄有效。
OBJECTIVE:To elucidate the mechanisms of ahylysantinfarctase to inhibit the vascular restinosis for its clinical application.METHODS:A restinotic model was constructed by injury of rabbit iliac arteries with balloon catheters and a probe designed for rabbit C-myc mRNA was used to detect the expression of it by intimal vSMCs on the vascular cross sections using an in situ hybridization technique at the indicated times. Ahylysantinfarctase was given muscularly (0.01 u·kg-1·d-1) and the relation of this gene expression to the proliferation of vSMCs and vascular intimal formation were estimated.RESULTS:C-myc expression reached its peak level and its positive cells were even distributed in vascular intimas one week after denudation (29.23 positive cells/mm2) and ahylysantinfarctase could significantly inhibit the expression of C-myc oncogene (10.73 positive cellsper mm2) as we ca lculated the average number of C-myc mRNA positive cells per millimetre intimal area at×400 magnification.CONCLUSIONS:The inhibition of the expression of C-myc oncogene could reduce or stop the formation of vascular intimal lesions and the use of this drug could benefit to managment of restionosis after a successful percutaneo us transluminal coronary angioplasty.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy